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Registration takes place in 3 stages.

1) Log in to the registration website by clicking on the following link jnrdm2019.ies.univ-montp2.fr

Fill out the form and proceed to the payment of 50 EUR (either by credit card, by order form or by internal transfer)

2) Download the file Request to create a missionary and, after having filled it carefully, send it by email to the address jnrdm2019@ies.univ-montp2.fr

This is necessary to create your mission order. Note that the RIB is requested for a possible refund of fees. Indicate as the subject of the message "your_name mission".

3) Download the ticket form and, after having filled it carefully, send it by email to the address  jnrdm2019@ies.univ-montp2.fr

Indicate your possible discount cards is favor the cheapest tickets (the budget of the conference is limited). Indicate as subject of the message "your_name ticket".

Thank you for your patience: if we ask you the same information several times it is to facilitate the administrative work.
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